Privacy Policy

Policy last updated; 6/3/2023

Privacy Policy Info

Please review this Privacy Policy to understand how customer ("you", "your", "yours", "customer", "consumer", "visitor") personal information may be obtained and utilized by Upstate Resin Works LLC ("us", "we", "our") when visiting and/or purchasing from ("website", “Site”).

Information Collected
When accessing or visiting our website, to help support the customer shopping experience we collect certain information during a customers browsing session, this information includes details regarding your device, web browser, device IP address, time zone, and may include cookies on your device. Additional details during your shopping session are also collected, this includes; page visits, searches made, number of sessions per day, number of orders placed and products visited. This is considered to be information necessary to improve user experience, including website speed, keyword density and functionality improvement.

Use of Cookies
"Cookies" are used to help improve the customer experience. This supports the data collection methods noted in the above section. To understand more about what cookies are, please visit

At Upstate Resin Works LLC, we utilize cookies, at times, for customer retention to offer targeted offers to customers who may have abandoned shopping cart items.


Purchasing and Personal Info
At the time of purchase personal information is collected that is used to facilitate the completion of your order. Only required details will be marked as such, incidental information will be optional.

Information collected during purchase includes; Customer name, address, email address, telephone number and purchase method details. This information is used specifically for order fulfilment.

This is considered "Order Fulfilment Details" and is in addition to the "Customer Device Details". Both are considered "Customer Personal Information" for the purposes of this privacy policy.

We offer no claim, guarantee or warranty that this information, both customer provided and automatically collected, is accurate or up to date.

Usage of Your Personal Information
Order Fulfilment Details are used to invoicing, billing, packaging, shipment and overall order fulfilment. In addition to order fulfilment,  Order Fulfilment Details are used to validate exchange, return and warranty requests. Customer Device Details are used to improve customer shopping experiences and expand on product availability.

In general, your personal information is also used to communicate with customers by responding to to customer emails and contact messages, provide order updates, shipment details and tracking information. For customers subscribed to email marketing your information will be used to send those messages as well. Email marketing can be opted out at any time though the unsubscribe feature, or by contacting support; Upstate Resin Works LLC Support

Customers outside of the United States of America; please take note, we are located in the United States of America. To fulfil your international order and browsing experience, your "Customer Personal Information" will be transferred from the country of origin to our hosting and fulfillment services located in the United States of America as well as Canada. These countries may change where our hosting and service providers update their hosting locations and data center redundancy options.

Additionally, this information is used to scan orders for fraud to both product you, the customer and us, Upstate Resin Works LLC. In the event of suspected fraud, we reserve the right to cancel your order and issue a 100% refund. 


Compliance with California CCPA

Citizens of the State of California in the United States of America may have additional rights and protections under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018.

More information regarding the CCPA can be found here;

This includes customer protections for receiving Customer Personal Information and opting out. Please see the below section "Sharing and Selling Personal Information" for additional information and assistance on opting out.

For requests to obtain Customer Personal Information as it strictly pertains to the rights and protections under the CCPA, please contact support; Upstate Resin Works LLC Support

Sharing and Selling Personal Information

Customer Personal Information collected through using out website may be shared for the purposes of order fulfillment, logging, analytics and experience improvement.

Third party resources used by our website maintain their own privacy policies and can be accessed as follows;

Shopify, our hosting platform;

Google Analytics Privacy;

Google General Privacy;

Etsy Privacy;

Facebook Privacy;

Instagram Privacy;

Pinterest Privacy;

Our third party service providers may utilize Customer Personal Information, including cookies, for targeted advertising. It may also be used to help facilitate website analysis to support user experience and fraud prevention.

In addition, where necessary, we may be compelled by court order to provide customer information to governing bodies in response to formal and lawful warrant or subpoena requests. We may only provide information that we are aware of and have access to.

We do not purposefully sell customer information.

Resources For Opting Out

Google Analytics:
Digital Advertising Alliance’s bulk opt-out:

Information Access and Rights
Each customer, regardless of their country of residence, has the right to access the Customer Personal Information collected by our website. You have the right for your data to be removed, corrected and updated.

You may exercise this right by contacting support; Upstate Resin Works LLC Support

Please understand, customers who have not placed an order may not have accurate or reportable Customer Personal Information. We offer no claim, guarantee or warranty that this information, both customer provided and automatically collected, is accurate or up to date.

Personal Data Retention and Destruction
Unless otherwise informed by you, the customer, all Customer Personal Information will remain unchanged within our hosting platform and/or logs.

You may exercise this right to have your Customer Personal Information deleted/removed by contacting support; Upstate Resin Works LLC Support

Anti-Discrimination and Inclusion Policy

We strive for an inclusive and positive experience for all of our customers. At no time will any of the Customer Personal Information collected be used to exclude or discriminate against anyone for any reason. The information collected is done so with the intent of improving customer experience and order fulfilment.


Safeguarding Customer Data Requests
To protect and safeguard Customer Personal Information, requesters of data may be asked to require proof of identity before Customer Personal Information is provided. Unless compelled by warrant, or subpoena, we reserve the right to refuse providing Customer Personal Information in cases where we can not validate the person/people/entity that we would be sending the Customer Personal Information to.

Requests for customer data must be made in writing and to support; Upstate Resin Works LLC Support

We will not accept requests made through social media comments or messages.

Our intent is to safeguard customer information and protect against negligent dissemination of Customer Personal Information.

Our Requests For Information 
We may, at times, require additional Customer Personal Information for the purposes of order fulfilment and fulfilment of our obligations to you, for completing customer orders.

Examples of this information request could be;

  • Customer street address left off
  • Apartment number is incomplete
  • Street number is missing
  • Incorrect City, State or Zip code

Policy Updates

As our services grow and improve we may, at times, update any and all of our policies to reflect changes. These changes may include, and is not limited to; addition of/removal of services, legal/regulatory compliance, new technology, additional third party partners.

Updates to our policies may be made at any time by us, and without prior customer notice.

Contacting Support
Should there be any questions, or clarification needs related to this policy please contact support; Upstate Resin Works LLC Support

Upstate Resin Works LLC
2 Progress Drive #4457
Halfmoon NY 12065
United States