Accessibility Policy

Policy last updated; 6/3/2023

Accessibility Policy Info

At Upstate Resin Works LLC we strive for an inclusive experience for all of our customers on our website ( We genuinely believe that the customer experience is as important as delivering a quality product.

We continuously review our content to ensure inclusivity steps are taken;

  • Alt tags are in use for images
  • Text is uniform
  • Page formatting and content operates dynamically
  • Color contrasts and choices are thoughtfully curated
  • Translatable written content


The team at Upstate Resin Works LLC understands that accessibility options are continuously evolving and new opportunities may present themselves for improvement in our mission for customer inclusivity.


Disclaimer of Warranty

Please understand that we (Upstate Resin Works LLC) strive to achieve a fully inclusive and positive experience for our customers, we make no guarantee of service or operability of our accessibility options and website functionality.

At times, features or functions may be inoperable which will impact accessibility. This could include, but is not limited to, issues after security patching, plugin updates, formatting errors, feature changes, browser updates, personal device patching (etc). Of course, we (Upstate Resin Works LLC), will make all attempts to remediate any technical or accessibility issues with regard to our hosting platform and website operability. We are unfortunately not able to assist in troubleshooting personal devices.


Remediation Of Accessibility Issues

Upstate Resin Works LLC commits to remediate accessibility issues that may be identified. Issues must be reported in writing. You agree that by reporting any accessibility issues you also grant Upstate Resin Works LLC a good-faith opportunity to remediate any reported accessibility issues identified.


Accessability Audit Log;
10/5/24 - Scanned and remediated 10 images without ALT tags.
10/7/24 - Scanned and remediated issue with website footer with improper color contrast.


Contact Details

Because customer accessibility is continuously evolving and improving to provide everyone a more inclusive and positive shopping experience; we recognize the need to take customer feedback on this topic seriously.

To request help, report issues, problems, concerns, or feedback for improvement; Please select this link to send us a message with your accessibility feedback. Contact Us.

Thank you for shopping Upstate Resin Works LLC!